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The official website for Rickroller and Games Bot!
Please note that although both bots are verified, I need to apply for some permissions so they can join more than 100 servers. Also, they are both currently offline and I do not have plans to bring it back online anytime soon since I have very little free time and I need to sort out hosting.


For Rickrolling 24/7/365.

This bot gives you 3 dozen different ways to rickroll people. It notifies you if a NGGYU YouTube link is typed in the chat. It also rickrolls you when the word 'rickroll' is typed into chat!


Invite Link: top.gg/bot/966808394285584476/invite

Top.gg Voting: top.gg/bot/966808394285584476/vote

Full Website (with information about commands etc): rickroller.info


To play games directly within Discord.

This bot lets you play rock-paper-scissors, tic-tac-toe, bowling, flip a coin, guess a number, and use an 8 ball directly on Discord!


Invite Link: top.gg/bot/968502681440247819/invite

Top.gg Voting: top.gg/bot/968502681440247819/vote

Full Website (with information about commands etc): gamesbot.info


Need help with the bots?

Join the support server for help with my Discord Bots. The server includes a suggestions and bugs report channels, as well as places to test out the bots.


Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Feel free to contact me for any questions, comments, or suggestions. I will try to respond to every email, DM, or message in the Discord server I get.


Quick Information!

This website showcases the Discord Bots created by Scinovus Crafted. I'm a self-taught programmer who knows many languages and I'm into app, game, and web development. Both Discord bots are coded in Python and make use of MongoDB.

In my free time, I like to play the popular block-based videogame Minecraft. I have a small YouTube channel featuring that content. Please consider subscribing if you like my Discord bots, as it really helps me out: youtube.com/@scinovuscrafted.
